2004 |
- Establishment of SWM Office
- Action Plan of Waste Reduction in KSG was developed in SPREP training
- Installed Waste Segregation Stations (WSS) as pilot project for data collection in two selected hamlets
- Recruitment for poster child for friendly sign boards began; installed in strategic areas in Koror
2005 |
- Generation Survey was conducted
- Segregation Station survey was conducted
- Composting Pilot Project was conducted
- JICA Senior Volunteer started activities (period: 2005-2006), he has been recruiting as a consultant afterward
- Recycling law for the Container Deposit Fee Program was drafted
2006 |
- Time and Motion study was conducted
- Collection trucks (5) were purchased by KSG
- Budget for constructing a composting facility was secured
- JICA Solid Waste Management Project has launched (period:2006-2008)
- Container Deposit Fee Program was signed by President, enacted into law RPPL 7-24
- Public hearing regarding Waste Segregation Station and 3R activity was conducted
2007 |
- First Segregation Stations (25) were installed as Pilot Project
- Composting facility started construction and the equipments were installed (period: 2007-2008)
- Data collection started from WSS
- Coordinating efforts with hamlet legislators to gain public support to utilize the waste units
- Submitted waste data along with the strategic objectives of sustainable waste management towards energy cost savings
- Submitted proposal through OERC for the Venezuela Fund, UN Towards a solar energy panel
2008 |
- KSG installed solar panels
- Began recruiting personnel to work at compost facility
- Research for policies and plans on SWM to compile National Solid Waste Management Plan (NSWMP)
- NSWMP was finalized
2009 |
- Composting facility opened
- Started construction of Redemption center
- Equipments for Redemption center were donated from Japanese Grass-roots Fund and installed
- Public announcement aired by radio about the compost facility
- Coordinated financial mechanism with Department of Finance of KSG for composting and container deposit fee program
- Establish partnership with hotel to collect kitchen waste
- Began recruiting personnel to work at the Redemption Center including Financial officers
2010 |
- Collection trucks (4) were donated through Japanese Grass-roots Fund
- Coordinating efforts with National Government to start Deposit Program
2011 |
- J-PRISM has launched (period: 2011-2015)
- Household Composting Project (ICETT) under Japanese Grass-roots project was launched (period: 2012-2013)
2012 |
- Donation for construction of Waste Segregation Station from Japanese Grass-roots Fund
- Established support group from Japan (ICETT) to provide technical and educational assistance, and skills on techniques in making compost
2013 |
- Counting machine was installed
- Collection trucks (2) were purchased
- Redemption Center was extended
- New Project (Waste to Energy) started