Koror State Laws

Here you will be able to find all the laws that apply in the State of Koror.

  • proposed Laws
  • 10th KSL Laws
  • Resolutions
  • Past Laws


Proposed Laws


Bill No. 10-1 - Increase the number of live-aboards Bill No. 10-2 - New categories of Jellyfish Lake permits
Bill No. 10-3 - Discipline and removal of members of the Legislature Bill No. 10-5 - Repeal cruising yacht permit
    Bill No. 10-8 - Increase montly honorariums payable to members of HOTL
Bill No. 10-10 - Creation of an Investment Adivsory Board    
Bill No. 10-12 - Decrease house party permit fee Bill No 10-13 - Amendment Section 15 of KSPL No K8-207-09
       Bill No. 10-15 - Employee Benefits
   Bill No. 10-16 - Increase monthly compensations of members of Legislature    Bill No. 10-17 - Revise the procedures for the issuance of Koror State business license
   Bill No. 10-18 - Define the term Major State Agreement    Bill No. 10-19 - Allow visitors to camp at non-tourist activity area upon payment of fee
   Bill No. 10-21 - Regulating the taking and selling of additional fish species
 Bill No. 10-22 - Limit tourist activity areas to beach areas of the many rock islands  Bill No. 10-23 - Create a registry of historical and cultural artifacts
 Bill No. 10-24 - Add an additional category of business license for Live Aboard operators  Bill No. 10-25 - Moratorium of the taking of wild giant clams
   Bill No. 10-26 - Transient Merchant    
   Bill No. 10-28 - To prohibit the use of Set Nets    Bill No. 10-29 - To amend K9-237-2011 requirements of certain residential construction permits
   Bill No. 10-30 - New Categories for Jellyfish Lake permits    Bill No. 10-31 - To amend non-commercial fishing license
   Bill No. 10-33 - To prohibit the entry, operation and maintenance of floating hotels within the waters of Koror.
 Bill No. 10-35 - Revocation of Business License
 Bill No. 10-38 - Koror State under water caves and caverns
 Bill No. 10-37 -  Citizens of Koror State to access documents  
 Bill No. 10-40 - Vanity Plates    
 Bill No. 10-42 - prohibit fishing within 100 yards of any beach designated as a Tourist Activity Area  Bill No. 10-13 - to increase the non-commercial fishing permit fee for visitors
 Bill No. 10-44 - to establish a Koror State Scholarship Program  Bill No. 10-45 - to eradicate all monkeys from the State of Koror
 Bill No. 10-46 - Resident Aliens improperly working at the Rock Islands   Bill No. 10-47 - to establish a no wake zone and a no boat zone in the German Channel
 Bill No. 10-48 - Koror State Government Emplyoees who test positive for methamphetamine  Bill No. 10-49 - To provide for a system of boat registration
   Bill No. 10-50 - To appropriate funds, to allow for the investment of Koror Stat funds into PIDB    
   Bill No. 10-52 - to permit members of KSPLA and KPC to receive compensation if they are attending an authorized off island work related event    








Municipal Ordinance 1st KSL Laws 2nd KSL Laws
3rd KSL Laws 4th KSL Laws 5th KSL Laws
6th KSL Laws 7th KSL Laws 8th KSL Laws
9th KSL Laws    



9th Legislature


K9-214-2010 - Membership of KPC & KSPLA K9-215-2010 - Annual Unified Budget FY2010
K9-216-2010 - Remove Ngemelis As Tourist Area K9-217-2010 - Increase Penalties Feeding Sharks
K9-218-2010 - Sunset Date Cruising Yacht K9-219-2010 - Increase Compensation KSPLA & KPC
K9-221-2010 - Segregated Account Deposit 3% K9-222-2010 - Prohibit Construction In Rock Islands
K9-223-2010 - Koror Zoning Map Ngesaol K9-224-2010 - Declare Vacant Ngerbeched Hamlet
K9-225-2010 - Succession of the Governor's Office K9-226-2010 - Resident Alien Amendment
K9-227-2010 - Legislators Attendance & Compensation K9-228-2010 - Supplement Funds FY2010
K9-229-2010 - No Fishing Zone Ngemelis Area K9-230-2010 - Allow Construction Of Malakal Park
K9-231-2010 - Annual Unified Budget FY2011 K9-232-2010 - Exempt 13 & Under From Fishing License
K9-233-2010 - Marine Tour Guide Certification K9-234-2010 - Penalties For Conservation & MPA's
K9-235-2010 - Amend K8-179-2006 Unified Budget FY2006 K9-236-2011 - Amendment of KSPL No. K6-87-98 Floating Hotel
K9-237-2011 - Building permit fee schedule K9-238-2011 - Declare Vacant seat for Ngerkesoaol Hamlet
K9-239-2011 - Trochus Harvesting Law K9-240-2011 - CIP funds non-lapsing
K9-241-2011 - Supplemental budget Act of Fiscal Year 2011 K9-242-2011 - Ngerbechetei Tourist Area
K9-243-2011 - To prohibit the taking of groupers K9-244-2011 - Long Island Conservation Area
K9-245-2011 - Include Ngerbecheteii as Tourist Activity Area K9-246-2011 - Ngetmeduch
K9-247-2011 - Sea Cucumber K9-248-2011 - Rock Island Permit Fee Increase.pdf
K9-249-2011 - Interim Budget 2012 K9-250-2012 - FY2012 Unified Budget
K9-251-2012 - FY2012 Additional Funding K9-252-2012 - To rezone a portion of Ngerbeched Hamlet
K9-253-2012 - To rezone portions of Medalaii Hamlet K9-254-2012 - Koror State FY Supplemental Budget Act
K9-255-2012 - To rezone Northern Portions of Malakal Area K9-256-2012 - Fiscal Year 2013 Interim Budget
K9-257-2013 - Interim Budget for the Month on March
K9-258-2013 - Unified Budget Act for Fiscal Year 2013
K9-259-2013 - Amendment to FY Koror State Unified Budget Act (CIP) Funding K9-260-2013 - To extend the termination date of the Koror State Animal Control Act
K9-261-2013 - To extend the Sunset Date of the Koror State Live Aboard Act K9-263-2013 - Koror State Tour Guide Certification Act
K9-264-2013 - COLA for Koror State Employees K9-265-2013 - Source of Funding for Koror State Reserve Fund
K9-266-2013 - FY 2014 Interim Budget    


8th Koror State Legislature


K8-174-06 Unified Budget 2006 K8-194-08 Administration Koror Planning Commission
K8-175-06 Supplemental Budget FY 2006 K8-195-08 Honorariums HOTL with Title Dispute
K8-176-06 Koror Zoning Laws Violations & Penalties K8-196-08 Koror Zoning Map Chechol Ngerkebesang
K8-177-06 State Park Ice Box K8-197-08 Koror Zoning Map Ngerkebesang
K8-178-06 Territorial Waters K8-198-08 Koror Zoning Map Medalaii
K8-179-06 Unified Budget FY 2007 K8-199-08 Koror Zoning Map Medalaii Hamlet
K8-180-07 Jellyfish Lake Permit Fee K8-200-08 Supplemental Budget FY 2008 Silver Year
K8-181-07 Koror Zoning Map Ngermid Hamlet K8-201-08 Koror Zoning Map RSL
K8-182-07 Koror Zoning Map Meyuns Hamlet K8-202-08 Commercial Photography
K8-183-07 Division Of Cultural Affairs K8-203-08 Unified Budget FY 09 Lator Compensation
K8-184-07 Boat Registration K8-204-08 Rules Regulations Recycling Efforts
K8-185-07 Commercial Photography Fee K8-205-09 Vacancy Declaration At-Large
K8-186-07 Ban Shark Feeding K8-206-09 KSPLA 99 Years Lease
K8-187-07 Supplemental Budget FY 2007 K8-207-09 Rock Island & Water Resource Management
K8-188-07 Buisness Lisence Fee K8-208-09 Sunset Date Boat Registration
K8-189-07 Animal Control Act K8-209-09 Amendment Rock Island Management Act
K8-190-07 Unified Budget FY 2008 K8-210-09 Supplemental Budget 2009
K8-191-07 Fishing Dive Site K8-211-09 Clearing Mangroves Residential Use Rights
K8-192-07 Ngemelis Tourist Activity Area K8-212-09 Interim Budget FY 2010
K8-193-08 Supplemental Budget FY 2008 K8-213-09 Increase Live Aboard Number To 10


7th Koror State Legislature


K7-129-02 Prohibit Garment Manufacturing K7-152-04 Vacant Seat Meketii Hamlet
K7-130-02 Prohibit Motor Watercraft Ernguul NW Area K7-153-04 Exclusive Use Rock Island Permit TV Prod.
K7-131-02 Prohibit Campaigning on Election Day K7-154-04 Koror Zoning Map Ngerchemai Hamlet
K7-132-02 State Park K7-155-04 Unified Budget FY 2005
K7-133-02 Extension Morratorium Ngederrak K7-156-05 Ngederrak Conservation Permanent
K7-134-02 Borrow Funds State Capitol Building K7-157-05 Unified Budget FY 2005
K7-135-02 Zoning Law Repeal K6-93-98 K7-158-05 Referendum
K7-136-02 Conservation Zone Ngerkebesang K7-159-05 Koror State Youth Council
K7-137-02 Unified Budget FY 2003, Amend K6-125-01 K7-160-05 Referendum Amend K7-158-2005
K7-138-03 Non Commercial Fishing Lisence K7-161-05 Repeal K6-113-2000 S. Lagoon Mngmt Plan
K7-139-03 Jet Ski K7-162-05 Koror Zoning Map Medalaii Hamlet
K7-140-03 Land Crabs K7-163-05 Referendum, Initiatives, Political Education
K7-141-03 Animal Control Act K7-164-05 Repeal Curfew Laws
K7-143-04 Unified Budget FY 2004 K7-165-05 State Park Ngerchemai Hamlet
K7-144-04 Governor & All Employee Salaries K7-166-05 Compensation House Of Traditional Leaders
K7-145-04 KSPLA K6-90-98 K7-167-05 Supplemental Budget FY 2005
K7-146-04 Fantasy Island K7-168-05 Prohibit Legislator & Employee
K7-147-04 Koror Zoning Map, Ngermid Hamlet K7-169-05 Budget 1st Quarter FY 2006
K7-148-04 Koror Zoning Map K7-171-06 Salary Department Heads
K7-149-04 Koror Zoning Map Ngerchemai Hamlet K7-172-06 Branch Employee
K7-150-04 Koror Zoning Map Medalaii Hamlet K7-173-06 Conservation & Mngmt Of Rock Islands
K7-151-04 Koror Zoning Map Ngerkebesang Hamlet  


6th Koror State Legislature


K6-87-98 Floating Hotel & Live Aboard K6-108-00 Koror Zoning Map, Ikelau Hamlet
K6-88-98 Koror Zoning & Subdivision Law K6-109-00 Koror Zoning Map, Meyuns Hamlet
K6-89-98 Resident Alien K6-110-00 Mangroves
K6-90-98 Reorganization of KSPLA K6-111-00 Extension Live Aboard, Regulations
K6-91-98 Curfew Amendment K6-112-00 Extend Sunset Date Building Permit Fees
K6-92-98 Employee Random Drug Testing K6-113-00 Amendment Rock Island Use Act
K6-93-98 Koror Zoning Map Ngermid Hamlet K6-114-00 Koror Zoning Map, Medalaii
K6-94-98 Unified Budget FY 1999 K6-115-00 Koror Zoning Map, Ngerkesowaol
K6-95 Mekebud 99 K6-116-00 Koror Zoning Map, Medalaii
K6-96-99 Inherent Power, Eminent Domain K6-117-00 Unified Budget 2001
K6-97-99 Motorized Boats At Ngemelis K6-118-01 Ngerumkaol Boundaries
K6-98-99 Koror Zoning Map Ngermerues K6-119-01 Ngederrak
K6-99-99 Repeal K2-33-89 Boat Registration K6-120-01 Stipend, KSPLA & KPC
K6-100-99 Koror Zoning Map Malakal K6-121-01 Regulations Coral Reef Eco Systems
K6-100B-99 Rock Island Conservation Zone K6-122-01 Run Off Election, Governor
K6-101-99 Protection of Ngerumekaol K6-123-01 General Election, Repeal K5-82-97
K6-102-99 Koror Zoning Map Ngerur Island K6-124-01 Impact Fee & Number Of Live Aboard
K6-103-99 Moratorium Garment Establishment K6-125-01 Unified Budget 2002
K6-104-99 Unified Budget FY 2000 & Gov. Salary Incr. K6-126-01 Rock Island Permit, 5 & under, Dolphin Pacific
K6-105-99 Amendment K6-99-99 Boat Registration K6-127-02 Koror Zoning Map, Ngesaol
K6-106-99 Succession Of Gov. Absence Or Disability K6-128-02 Koror Zoning Map, Meyuns Hamlet
K6-107-00 Cruising Yacht Permit  


5th Koror State Legislature


K5-70-95 Unified Budget FY 1996 K5-79-97 Property Tax
K5-71-96 State Address K5-80-97 Political Education Committee Amendment
K5-72-96 House Parties, Ocheraol, Cheldecheduch K5-81-97 Koror State Flag
K5-73-96 Unified Budget FY 1997, Comp. HOTL K5-82-97 General Election 1997
K5-74-97 Rock Island Recreation Areas K5-83-97 Governor Elect & Department Heads
K5-75-97 Trast, Rock Islands K5-84-97 Sunset Date Rock Island Use Act
K5-76-97 Building & Zoning Fee Schedule K5-85-97 Salary Gov., Dpmt Heads, Comp. Lator & HOTL
K5-77-97 Referrandum, Political Education K5-86-97 Unified Budget 1998
K5-78-97 Locally Manufactured Alcohol Beverage  


4th Koror State Legislature


K4-56-92 Unified Budget FY 1993 K4-63-94 Design, Adopt, Koror Flag
K4-57-92 Special Election Ikelau Hamlet K4-64-94 Establish Port Commission
K4-58-93 Special Election Dngeronger Hamlet K4-65-94 Preserve Rock Island
K4-59-93 Supplemental Budget FY 1993 K4-66-94 Unified Budget FY 1995
K4-60-93 Export Tax K4-67-94 Curfew Amendment
K4-61-93 Size, Boat Registration Numbers K4-68-95 Amendment Fishing Lisence
K4-62-93 Unified Budget FY 1994 K4-69-95 General Election 5th KSL Amendment


3rd Koror State Legislature


K3-41-89 Creation Law Enforcement Dept. K3-49-92 Curfew
K3-42-90 Fishing Lisence & Fees K3-50-92 Election Procedures
K3-43-90 Delcare Medalaii Vacancy K3-51-92 Election Procedure
K3-44-90 Room Tax 3% K3-52-92 Penalties For Not Abiding With Court Orders
K3-45-90 Imposing 6% Every Koror State Worker K3-53-92 Permit - Ocheraol, Cheldecheduch, House Party
K3-47-90 Unified Budget FY 1991 K3-54-92 Abandoned Vessels
K3-48-91 Unified Budget 1992 K3-55-92 Funding Bai Ra Metal


2nd Koror State Legislature


K2-29-88 Unified Budget FY 1989 K2-35-89 Alcohol Tax
K2-30-89 Tabacco Tax K2-36-89 Boat Identification Numbers
K2-31-89 Koror State Code K2-37-89 Unified Budget FY 1990
K2-32-89 Beautification Month K2-38-89 Petroleum Tax
K2-33-89 Boat Registration K2-39-89 Compensation HOTL
K2-34-89 Littering K2-40-89 Legislators Salaries


1st Koror State Legislature


K-01-81 Reorganization Of Executive Branch K1-10-85 Amend K1-9-85
K-02-82 Annual Budget FY 1982 K1-11-85 Budget FY 1985
K-03-82 Voting Rights & Procedures K1-12-85 Continuing Resolution FY 1986
K-04-82 First Constitutional Referendum K1-13-86[85] Organization of Executive Branch
K-05-82 Election Of All Elected Officials K1-14-86 Continuining Resolution FY 1986
K-06-82 Amendment To MO Number 180-81 K1-15-86 Unified Budget 1986
K-08-83 Mandatory Sewer Connection K1-16-86 Palau Coconut Industries Corporation
K-09-83 Unfied Budget FY 1983 K1-17-86 Extension FY 1986
K-10-83 June 10,1983 Referendum K1-18-86 Extension Second Quarter FY 1987 Budget 1986
K-11-83 Election Legislature K1-19-87 ExtensionThird Quarter FY 1987 Budget 1986
K1-1-84 Finance K1-20-87 Extension Fourth Quarter FY 1987 Budget 1986
K1-2-84 Organization of Legislature K1-21-87 Extension First Quarter FY 1988 Budget 1986
K1-3-84 Budget FY 1984 K1-22-87 Alcohol Curfew New Year 1988
K1-4-84 Repeal K1-3-84 K1-23-87 Extension Second Quarter FY 1988 Budget 1986
K1-5-84 HOTL-MIC K1-24-88 Curfew Hours & Alcohol Sale
K1-6-84 Auditor K1-25-88 Closing Of Business, Curfew, Alcohol Sale
K1-7-84 Extension of FY 1984 K1-26-88 Ext. 1st Month 1st Quarter FY 88 Budget1986
K1-8-84 Extension FY 1984 K1-27-88 Ext. 2nd Month, 1st Quarter FY 88 Budget 1986
K1-9-85 Special Election K1-28-88 Unified Budgt FY 1988


Municipal Ordinance


M.O. No. 1-55 Minors Under 18 Years Of Age M.O. No. 45-69 Exices Tax Theater Tickets
M.O. No. 2-56 Public Order M.O. No. 46-69 Taxes Licenses Fees
M.O. No. 3-56 Amendment To M.O. No. 2 Sec. 3 M.O. No. 47-69 Unified Budget 1969 - 1970
M.O. No. 4-56 Taxes & Fees M.O. No. 48-69 Torchus Breeding Sanctuaries
M.O. No. 4-57 Trochus M.O. No. 49-69 Shelling Permit
M.O. No. 5-57 Budget 7/1/57 To 6/30/58 M.O. No. 50-69 Permit Fee Professional Photographers
M.O. No. 6-58 Organization Of Municipal Council M.O. No. 51-69 Amendment M.O. No. 50 - 1969
M.O. No. 7-58 Officers M.O. No. 52-70 Office Of Mayor
M.O. No. 8-58 Koror Boundaries M.O. No. 53-70 Unified Budget 1970 - 1971
M.O. No. 9-58 Taxes, Lisences, Fees M.O. No. 54-71 Amendment M.O No. 7 - 58
M.O. No. 10-58 Charter Day M.O. No. 55-71 Unified Budget 1971 - 1972
M.O. No. 11-59 Revise Sections Of M.O. No. 9 M.O. No. 57-71 Motor Vehicle Taxes
M.O. No. 12-59 Collection Of Taxes & Fees M.O. No. 58-72 Unified Budget 1972 - 1973
M.O. No. 13-59 Unified Budget 6/59 to 6/60 M.O. No. 59-72 Ocheraol & Cheldecheduch Permit
M.O. No. 14-60 Taxes, Lisencing, Fees M.O. No. 60-73 Unified Budget 1973 - 1974
M.O. No. 15-60 Unified Budget 7/60 To 6/61 M.O. No. 101-74 Unified Budget 1975-1976
M.O. No. 16-61 Taxes, Lisence, Fees M.O. No. 101-76 Amend M.O. No.108-76
M.O. No. 17-61 Unified Budget 1961 To 1962 M.O. No. 101-77 Municipal Budget 1977-1978
M.O. No. 18-61 Maintain Clean Condition M.O. No. 102-74 Tabacco Tax
M.O. No. 19A-61 Licensing & Tagging Of Dogs M.O. No. 102-77 Building & Zoning Permit
M.O. No. 19B-61 Names & Boundaries Of Hamlets M.O. No. 103-74 Amendment M.O. No. 101-74
M.O. No. 20-61 Alcoholic Beverages M.O. No. 103-75 Beautification Program
M.O. No. 21-62 Regulations Of Public Order M.O. No. 103-77 Amendment M.O. No. 101-77
M.O. No. 22-62 Taxes, Licenses, Fees M.O. No. 104-74 Supplement Municipal Budget No. 101-71
M.O. No. 23-62 Unified Budget 1962 To 1963 M.O. No. 105-75 Municipal Budget 1975-1976
M.O. No. 24-62 Taxi Operation M.O. No. 106-75 Business Added To Business Lisence
M.O. No. 25-63 Unified Budget 1963 To 1964 M.O. No. 107-75[6] Poper Disposal Of Unused Vehicles
M.O. No. 26-63 $15K Supplement Budget '63 To '64 M.O. No. 107-78 Amend M.O. No.104-78
M.O. No. 27-64 Unified Budget 1964 To 1965 M.O. No. 108-75[6] Municipal Budget 1976-1977
M.O. No. 28-64 Supplement Ordinance No. 27 - 64 M.O. No. 108-78 D-1-176-79 Taxes, Licenses, Fees
M.O. No. 28-65 Budget 1965 - 1966 M.O. No. 109-78 Amendment M.O.57-71
M.O. No. 29-66 Budget 1966 - 1967 M.O. No. 112-79 Koror Municipal Lands Authority
M.O. No. 30-67 Magistrate To Mayor M.O. No. 113-79 Amendment M.O.104-78
M.O. No. 32-67 Sling Shots M.O. No. 177-80 Municipal Budget 1981
M.O. No. 33-67 Firecrackers M.O. No. 178-80 Municipal Budget KPLA
M.O. No. 34-67 Procedures Of Ordinance Passage M.O. No. 179-80 Equipment Purchase
M.O. No. 35-67 Fire Arms & Air Guns M.O. No. 180-81 Constitutional Drafting Commission
M.O. No. 36-67 Members Of Municipal Council M.O. No. 181-81 Funds Constitutional Drafting Comm.
M.O. No. 37-67 Qualification Of Candidates M.O. No. 182-81 Hiring Consultant To Mayor
M.O. No. 38-67 Big Food Preperation M.O. No. 183-81 Ordinance Appropriation 1981
M.O. No. 39-67 Taxes, Licenses, Fees M.O. No. 184-81 Equipment Harris Elementary School
M.O. No. 40-67 Unified Budget 1967 - 1968 M.O. No. 185-81 Public Transportation System
M.O. No. 41A-67 Authorize Budget Expenditures M.O. No. 186-81 Amendment M.O. No. 21-62
M.O. No. 41B-68 Amend Article 2 Sec. 5 M.O. No. 6 M.O. No. 187-81 Amendment M.O. No. 46-69
M.O. No. 42-68 Unified Budget 1968-1969 M.O. No. 188-81 Funds Constitutional Drafting Comm.
M.O. No. 43-68 Taxes, Licenses, Fees M.O. No. 189-81 Appropriation Funds 4th Quarter 1981
M.O. No. 44-68 Reclassification Of Business License M.O. No. 190-81 Ext. Constitutional Drafting Comm.