The Department of Conservation and Law Enforcement (DCLE) is the agency tasked with the management and implementation of the Management Plan for the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon.
The primary goal of the Tour Guide Certification Program is to provide tour guides and tour operators with knowledge and up-to-date information about culture and history; environment; and safety regulations that improve the tour guides' and tour operators’ interaction with visitors to minimize the impacts of visitors in the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon ecological environment. The aim of the Tour Guide Certification Program is to ensure increased awareness about the importance of their role in managing and protecting Koror State’s environment and natural resources. The Tour Guide Certification Program will provide tourism industry, marine resource managers, local communities, tour guides and operators, and tourists with an assurance that an accredited product is backed by a commitment to best practice ecological sustainability, natural area management, and the provision of quality land and marine based tourism experiences.
- Tour Guide Certification Program Course Schedule - March 1, 2018
- Tour Guide Certification Program Management Transition to Koror State Government - Sept. 6, 2016
- Koror State Government Tour Guide Act (New)
- Koror State Government Tour Guide Certification Regulations Amendments (Updated)
- Manta Ray Conservation Act (New)
- Ngerumekaol Re-designation of Boundaries Act (New)
- Fact Sheet (New)
- Fact Sheet Visitor User Permit Information - VUPI (New)
- Tour Guide Certification - Application Form (New)
- Tour Operator's & Visitor's Bio-Security Guidelines
- Ngeanges Bio-Security Poster
- Protect Ngeanges!
- Rat Free Bio-Security Sticker
- Ngeanges Moratorium Brochure
Koror State Government, Department of Conservation and Law Enforcement has developed a comprehensive management plan for the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon (RISL). The Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Management Plan (RISL MP) covers all of Koror State waters. In the past decade, the RISL has been and continues to be the major foundation for the tourism industry, which is the driving force for Koror State/Palau economy. It is also an important fishing and recreational area for residents of Koror State.
The DCLE vision is to maintain the spectacular beauty, abundant, and diverse natural resources of the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Area so that it can continue to be used and enjoyed by current and future generations of the people of Koror and Palau, and remain a central part of our culture and lifestyle. DCLE mission is to maintain peace, order, and safety for all residents and properties of Koror, to work with the community to deter illegal activities in Koror State and develop environmentally sound programs in the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Management Area. The key responsibilities include but not limited to the following: Develop and implement the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Management Plan; develop sound environmental programs; survey and monitoring of terrestrial and marine ecosystem; develop awareness and education programs; capacity building; manage day-to-day activities in Koror State and the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon (RISL); enforce compliance to all state laws.
Recreational activities have been identified as one of the key threats to biological diversity within the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon (RISL). As tourists are the major recreational users in the area, the RISL Management Plan was developed with specific strategies to reduce stress caused by tourist related activities. One of these strategies was the development and implementation of a Tour Guide Certification Program for all marine-based tour guides working in Koror State. This was to ensure that all marine based tour-guides working in the RISL have a certain level of knowledge on the marine environment, cultural significance of the area, and low-impact ecologically friendly practices.
Coastal Management Division
Telephone: 680-488-4001
Fax: 680-488-4003
E-mail: rica@kororstategov.com | koror.rangers@gmail.com
Law Enforcement Division (Famously known as Rangers)
Telephone: 680-488-8738
Rangers Telephone: 680-488-2150
Fax: 680-488-6683
E-mail: rangers@kororstategov.com